
Ross Faulkner Senior One Touch - Football Training System

Price:$99.99 - $99.99 (in 1 store)
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The Ross Faulkner Senior One Touch AFL training system is ideal for refining your skills so you can play at your best under high pressure. Only you and One Touch is needed to sharpen your hand-eye coordination, on-pitch precision, peripheral awareness and reflexes. With regular use, you'll notice an improvement in your agility, speed, strength and overall fitness. The adjustable rubber cord with attached football allows you to customise your training to practice the following skills: - Standard handpass - Close handpass - Rebound handpass - Standard kicking and marking - Running kick and mark - Lateral kick and mark - Continuous alternating kick - Rebounding high bounce kick and gather - Rebounding low kick and gather - Game day freestyle Attack the ball with confidence. One Touch allows

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