Weisshorn 6M X 2.5M Annex Matting 600GSM Floor Mats Mesh Caravan Camping Annexe

Price:$104.95 - $104.95 (in 1 store)
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Our Weisshorn Annex Matting makes for a great travelling and camping companion where extra ground needs to be covered quite literally.Made from foamed PVC that is soft porous and breathable the Annex Matting is permitted for use in caravan parks and more. Its also ideal for laying on grass stone or rough surfaces to create a comfortable sitting and lying area. Thanks in part to the rubber-like feel of the mesh matting that is also non-slip. The matting is also UV-treated and mould and mildew-resistant.And when all is done fold the 600GSM heavy-duty Annex Matting into an easy carry-on bag for your next road trip destination. Happy trails people

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