Deluxe Folding Utility Knife 2 Piece Lock Back Auto Load Total 58 Blades

Price:$39.95 - $39.95 (in 1 store)
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Description The Topex Trimming Knife Set includes two heavy-duty knives with built-in blade storage and comes with 50 razor-sharp blades. The Topex Retractable Trimming Knife Blade has a curved design that is easy to grip for more precise and controlled cuts. The Topex Foldable Knife Blade can be flipped open with one hand for quick accessibility. Both knives are made from tough aluminium alloy hold up to 3 blades with built-in storage and can be changed fast with our quick-change blade system.Feature PRECISE AND ACCURATE CUTTING Cut with more accuracy and precision with the specially designed Topex Retractable Trimming Knife. The curved design makes it easy to grip for more control and sta

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