
KONNWEI KW808 Car Scanner EOBD OBD2 OBDII Diagnostic Tool Live Code Reader

MPN: GZ179499601
Price:$48.95 - $48.95 (in 1 store)
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KW808 EOBD OBD2 OBDII Auto Diagnostic Scanner This scanner supports all nine OBDII test modes on all OBDII compliant vehicles to enable technicians to accurately diagnose even the toughest problems. Sophisticated yet easy to use this ergonomic scan tool make your vehicle service experience much more pleasant Highlights- Work on all 1996 and later OBDII compliant US European and Asian vehicles.- Retrieves generic P0 P2 P3 and U0 and manufacturer specific P1 P3 and U1 codes.- Easily determines the cause of the Check Engine Light MIL. - Display monitor and I M readiness status emissions. - Memory battery backup for off-vehicle data review and analysis. - Supports CAN Controller Area Network an

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