Artiss Monitor Arm Stand Dual Mount HD LED TV Bracket Holder Freestanding

Price:$39.95 - $39.95 (in 1 store)
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Extend your working display with an Artiss Adjustable Dual Monitor Arm. Easily support two computer monitors on a single arm. Tilt rotate and swivel your monitors to find the perfect angle. Using the detachable VESA mounts you can mount any monitor size between 17-32. Other great features include a freestanding V-shaped base that does not need any drilling or clamping cable loops for tidy cabling and an Allen key holder. Made from heavy-duty steel the monitor arm is designed to stand up to long-lasting use without missing a beat. All the necessary mounting hardware and an assembly manual are included in the package for a hassle-free set-up. Double your productivity with an Artiss Adjustable

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