Giantz AGM Deep Cycle Battery 12V 135Ah Portable 4WD Sealed Marine Solar Slim

Price:$214.95 - $214.95 (in 1 store)
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The portable GIANTZ Deep Cycle Battery provides off-the-grid power supply for 4WD vehicles caravans campers trailers motor homes saltwatermarine applications and all 12V appliances including portable fridges and washers. The slim design makes this deep cycle battery compact and space-saving. Plus the exceptional 135Ah 12V battery features an incredible cycle life of up to 1400 cycles making it one of the most enduring in its class. What you get is a longer consistent and more drawn out charge all the time. And with its advanced AGM technology the battery enables better electrolyte absorption cyclic stability better low temperature reliability and frequent charging without affecting performa

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