Gardeon Hammock Chair Outdoor Camping Hanging Hammocks Cushion Pillow Rainbow

Price:$64.95 - $64.95 (in 1 store)
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We want it to be a long lasting hammock at your home. Made of solid timber rail with quality polyester cotton you can hang it at your backyard as a chilling spot for reading books or taking a nap. Its durable strings can hold up to 180kg that would suit almost everyone - anyone can chill any time.Comes with a two soft pillows it is a nice comfy spot to chill at with a book or just listening to songs. Very simple installation you can take it with you to a barbecue or on a vacation. It can be attached to trees ceilings or pergola beams.Order now and have it delivered to your doorstep. If youre planning a camping or getaway this hammock would be a great leisure addition in your trip.Note Only

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