Bonnell Pocket Spring Medium Firm Mattress - King Single

Price:$124.95 - $124.95 (in 1 store)
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Who needs a Bonnell Spring mattress The answer is someone who wants a relatively firm and comfortable sleeping surface. And thats what you get with the Giselle Beddings Bonnell Spring Mattress. Unlike a pocket spring system a Bonnell spring system uses springs that are hour-glass shaped rather than all of the same diameter. The result is a somewhat firmer mattress than a pocket spring version. The benefits include better support for your body more resilience and better ventilation. This Bonnell Spring Mattress delivers all of the above with a level of comfort that surpasses your expectations. The Mattress is meticulously constructed with layers of premium materials. A high density foam fills the inside of the mattress in between the stable Bonnell spring core while the exterior is fully wrapped with a luxurious polyester fabric. Not least a soft quilting layer rests on top of the entire ensemble. Essentially you get a solid mattress that retain its shape well for longlasting use and y

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