BG7040 Replacement Body Groomer Foil Head for Philips Norelco Bodygroom Trimmer Shaver Foil BG7030,BG7040,BG5025,BG2040 Replacement Head,1 Pack

Price:$14.99 - $14.99 (in 1 store)
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Compatibility Bodygroom Replacement Trimmer Shaver Foil Compatible with Bodygroom series 2000 BG2040 Bodygroom series 3000nbsp BG2030 Bodygroom series 7000 BG7030High Quality BG2000 body groomer replacement foil head lets you comfortable shave with less irritation even on sensitive skin and innbspsensitive body zones. The shaving foil allows you to groom your body without worrying about painful nicks and cuts.Waterproof Easy to use and clean and wet or dry condition. The replacment head of philips bodygroom replacement head is 100 waterproofnbspit is easy to clean and ideal for use in the shower. And it can also be used under dry environment so youll be able to shave and trim anytime anywhe

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