Devanti Replacement Filter Air Purifier HEPA Filters Carbon Layer

Price:$34.95 - $34.95 (in 1 store)
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Do not let the cold get you down this season or the hay fever get you down the next. If you already own our Devanti Air Purifier you can continue to breathe easy long into the future with our Devanti Air Purifier Filter Replacement. The filtration system has four layers to effectively free the air inside your home from contaminants. The air first passes through the pre-filter that traps larger particles. The H11-grade HEPA filter removes 99.97 of household dust allergens and other harmful particles as small as 0.3 microns from the air. The cold catalyst filter removes formaldehyde and bacteria. And finally the active carbon filter gets rid of lingering odours so that you end up with clean a

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