MAXKON Ice Maker Ice Cube Machine 12KG Ice Capacity Silver

Price:$129.97 - $129.97 (in 1 store)
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The ice machine from MAXKON is lightweight and easy to use. The powerful compressor produces up to 12kg a day able to let your whole family enjoy cool drinks at any time. The operation is simple and hassle-free plug it to power add water into the built-in water reservoir until you hit 2 litres or less and start it by pressing the ONOFF button. Within only 13 minutes you will meet the first home-made ice bullet from the machine. Also the production works on every 6 to 13 minutes producing 9 ice bullets per time. If you cant wait check it at any time through the see-through lid and get fresh ice once finished. The silver silhouette lends modern style to your kitchen office lobby or break rooms. Take this portable ice maker home right away. nbsp

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