UNIMAC 25L 1.5HP Silent Oil-Free Electric Air Compressor, Portable

Price:$334.95 - $334.95 (in 1 store)
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Introducing the UNIMAC ACM-250s Quiet Air series twin-cylinder Air Compressor This is a trade quality 2-Cylinder unit ideal for anyone looking for the performance and reliability that only an oilless electric air compressor can provide. It is the ideal compressor for the home mechanic or DIYer HIGH-PERFORMANCE TWIN-CYLINDER MOTORThe ACM-250s has a 1.1k W twin-cylinder motor. The 2850 RPM motor is more than twice as fast as our competitors. It has fan-forced cooling and aluminium heatsinks that keep this high-performance motor running cool.ULTRA-QUIETThis Unimac Quiet Air Series is engineered to be just that. Whisper Vortex cooling fans Hush Baffle air intakes and vulcanised rubber motor mou

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