Giantz Chainsaw Petrol 62CC 20 Bar Commercial E-Start Pruning Chain Saw Spark Plug,Giantz Chainsaw Petrol 62CC 20 Bar Commercial Chain Saw E-Start Pruning 4.5HP

Price:$134.95 - $134.95 (in 1 store)
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An essential tool of the trade the Giantz Pro Series Petrol Chainsaw is a must-have for any tradesperson or gardener whether youmeiyou re commercial or home-based. Thanks to its direct air injection carburettor it is built for high-power high-speed cutting. It features a balanced design for ease of use and maneuverability while the built-in anti-vibration system keeps fatigue at bay - perfect for those long jobs. It uses a double recoil pulling system for easy start-up while the adjustable automatic oil feeding system allows you to set and forget your chain lubrication for a smooth cut in any condition. The chainsaw features a quick tension chain mechanism to adjust the chain easily and eff

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