2-Pack Bestway Pool Filter Sponge Cartridge: Replacement Foam Filter for Cleaner Pool Water, Compatible with Intex Type B Pools

Price:$29.98 - $29.98 (in 1 store)
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Enhance your pools water clarity with our high-performance Pool Filter Sponge Cartridge designed for superior filtration and durability.Crafted from eco-friendly sponge material this cartridge effectively removes impurities without contaminating your pool water. Its reusable nature reduces maintenance costs while ensuring exceptional cleaning performance.Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal filtration. Clean the cartridge every two weeks to maintain its serviceability. The replacement interval varies based on usage frequency and sponge condition typically lasting for a month or more.Measuring 145 x 45 x 255 mm this cartridge is compatible with Intex Type B filters. Its precise dimensi

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