Giantz 1.5M ATV Adjustable Weed Sprayer Boom

Price:$59.95 - $59.95 (in 1 store)
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Adjustable Spray BoomAre you still doing your weeding the tedious way of using only a single spray Now you can do it faster and more efficiently with our Adjustable Spray Boom. Its 151cm spray boom fitted with four nozzles you can do a single spray run that would perhaps take you three runs to do the same area. The nozzles can be adjusted for spray angles to suit your requirements while the entire spray boom can be set at different heights too with its 90cm boom pole. Whether its low or high spraying the Weed Sprayer is up to the task with minimum hassle. If you have an All Terrain Vehicle ATVyou can easily mount the Spray Boom to your tank with the included hose and fittings and extend you

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