Giantz Garden Water Pump Jet High Pressure Stage Controller Garden Irrigation

Price:$214.95 - $214.95 (in 1 store)
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Stainless Steel 1100W 4600LH w Pressure Controlelr Made from durable stainless steel and alloy this garden pump is the perfect water pump for your home and garden.Can be used for filling up toilets washing machines dishwashers kitchen taps showers irrigation systems or watering your garden There are just so much you can do with this pump. The pump has overheat and overload protections which makes it very safe to use.Instead of some flimsy fitting ours come with a brass made fitting that ensure a long lasting performance product for your household. With a class beating of 45m head and constant 4600Lhour flow rate we guarantee that this pump will be your favourite Combined with IP rated comme

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