Giantz Garden Water Submersible Pump 750W Dirty Bore Sewerage Tank Well Steel

Price:$99.95 - $99.95 (in 1 store)
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Empty pools ponds spas or flooded areas with a Giantz Submersible pump. Submersible pumps are perfect for a variety of situations from setting up a home irrigation system to quickly draining ponds tanks pools or flooded areas. The motor runs quietly and efficiently and it can be submerged to a depth of seven metres. The pump can operate automatically between 9-18cm of water and it an expel up to 13000 litres of water per hour. It is designed to work with dirty water with a maximum solid passage of 16mm so you can work in areas with muddy sandy or otherwise contaminated water. Finally work anywhere thanks to its portable design that includes a 10m cable with a standard AU plug.Features Porta

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