Christmas Decorations,Joy Sign - Buffalo Check Plaid Wreath for Front Door - Rustic Burlap Wooden Holiday Decor for Home Window Wall Farmhouse Indoor Outdoor

Price:$19.99 - $19.99 (in 1 store)
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Featuresnbsp3nbspbuffalonbspchecknbspwreaths.nbsp Hangnbspthemnbsphorizontallynbspornbspverticallynbsptonbspspellnbspoutnbspthenbspwordnbsp JOY.Eachnbspwreathnbspisnbsponnbspannbsp11.8nbspinchesnbspembroiderynbsphoopnbspandnbsptoppednbspwithnbspanbspburlapnbspbownbspandnbspgreenery.Nonbspassemblynbsprequired.nbsp Eachnbspwreathnbsphasnbspmetalnbsploopsnbsponnbspthenbspbacknbspfornbsphangingnbspease.Our JOY wreaths naturally look wonderful positioned above the mantel.Christmas JOY amp Buffalo Plaid Wreath This wreath is inspired by the joy of nature.We celebrate Christmas and the winter season with crisp air shooting stars on a winters night the familiar hum of angels in snow laden pastures

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