Everfit 3.05M Basketball Hoop Stand System Adjustable Height Portable Red Pro

Price:$259.95 - $259.95 (in 1 store)
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Designed for basketball enthusiasts the Everfit portable basketball hoop system lets you and your game-mates conveniently improve your basketball skills at the comfort of your home. Now slam dunk alley opp or just shoot a few hoops using our portable basketball hoop stand. Featuring solid steel frame this basketball hoop stand ensures ultimate durability and longlasting use. The huge 44 backboard is crafted from sturdy polycarbonate for sturdiness and the wide heavy-duty base can be filled with sand and water for stability. Whats great about this basketball hoop stand is that the high-tensile steel spring loaded ring enables robust dunks. Furthermore our basketball hoop stand with durable r

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