
Powertrain 2-in-1 Elliptical Cross Trainer and Exercise Bike

MPN: ect-xda-103
Price:$529.98 - $529.98 (in 1 store)
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The Powertrain 2-in-1 Elliptical Cross Trainer and Exercise Bike is a revolution in home gym equipment - an elliptical trainer and an exercise bike for the price of one. Save space and save money while getting maximum results. nbspnbspSwitch in 30 secondsGetting bored with one exercise or need to target and tone different muscle groups In just 30 seconds you can switch the handles between stationary and elliptical positions so you can stand and use this machine as a fully featured elliptical cross trainer or sit with stationary handles and use it like an exercise bikenbspnbspReversible movementThis elliptical bike features a fully reversible movement which allows you to target a whole new muscle group as you push backward. Tone your legs like no other machine on the marketnbspnbspComputer functionsPush your personal best using the on-board computer which displays duration in time speed distance and even a rough guide on calories burned. nbspnbspPlease note Basic assembly is requirednb

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