Instahut Window Door Awning Door Canopy Outdoor Patio Cover Shade 1.5mx3m DIY BR

Price:$204.95 - $204.95 (in 1 store)
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Time to spruce up that tired-looking door or window Looking for some Shady ideas to keep the sun and rain a few steps away And possibly add value to your home How about a spot of DIY with our awesome looking window or door awnings.nbsp Featuring a durable 5mm thick polycarbonate panel the window awning is ideal for home or office use and is designed to double up as a door canopy or balcony cover if required. The panel is affixed to sturdy aluminium bars and the entire assembly is corrosion-resistant. Which simply means many good years of all-weather protection Only for normal weather conditionextrem weather condition is excluded for your doors and windows. And of course looking absolutely s

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