
Deluxe Kids Teepee & Tunnel Play Tent

Price:$89.97 - $89.97 (in 1 store)
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Let your kids enjoy fun for hours and adventure for days with this Deluxe Kids Teepee Tunnel Play TentThis deluxe play set is a perfect way for your kids to play indoors and out. Let their imaginations run wild with the combo dome tent teepee tent. They can easily go from one to the other with the four fun connecting tunnels. With active bright colours and kid-friendly nylon material itll be a safe wonderful getaway for your kids. Set it up in the backyard or put it up in the play roomThe dome tent is a cozy outdoor-style camping tent and the teepee tent is a cool little bivouac for your kids to camp play hangout and daydream. Theyve even got a house tent tooAnd they can meet their friends in the middle with the round centre tunnel connector. Help promote activity energy imagination in your children with this kids play tent. Its a great retreat for kids and with its deluxe size it can hold so many kids toys youll practically have the entire neighborhood camping out. With a play tent s

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