Rigo Kids Pedal Go Kart Car Ride On Toys Racing Bike Rubber Tyre Adjustable Seat

Price:$164.95 - $164.95 (in 1 store)
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Here is something any 3-year-old and above will love. A go kart specifically designed to provide the thrills in kart racing for young kids. Our Kids Go Kart has everything to make go karting a memorable and fun experience for every child who loves riding low and fast. nbspMade of a very sturdy steel frame with oxygen-welded joints for extra stability and durability the Kids Go Kart has a large and adjustable seat with a high back rest for maximum comfort. Pedal power is assisted by a forward and reverse control and a sporty and highly responsive 3-point steering wheel. The large pneumatic rubber tyres provide good grip and traction as well as good shock absorption for a smooth ride. And for

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